- 12
- Designated as a KAS (certified product certification agency)
- 04
- Certified as an Independent AMCA Test Laboratory
- 05
- Designated as a safety testing agency for children’s playground and playthings
- 09
- Additional designation as a testing agency (flat scale, portable scale, grain moisture meter)
- 09
- Designated as an instrument type approval agency
- 08
- Designated as a testing agency for the products that indicate the net weight
- 03
- Designated as a testing agency for medical devices
- 02
- Designated as a testing agency for medical devices
- 01
- Designated as a testing agency for manufactured goods that are subject to voluntary safety confirmation requirements
- 10
- Registered as a testing agency for OIML-MAA (non-automatic scales)
- 03
- Designated as a testing agency for high-efficiency energy equipment and suppliers
- 02
- Designated as an independent testing agency for the quality of cosmetics
- 11
- MOU with AMCA (for fans)
- 02
- Designated as an independent agency for testing water quality
- 12
- Designated as a certified testing agency for KOLAS 17020
- 03
- Designated as an independent testing agency for publicly procured goods
- 08
- Designated as a training agency for the GQ marks for SMEs
- 05
- Renewed its status as the national calibration agency
- 03
- Renewed its status as a certified testing and inspection agency (KOLAS)
- 12
- Designated as an agency for evaluating the technical merits of an invention (KIPO)
- 07
- Additional designation as an verification organization of electricity meter and oil meter
- 01
- Designated as the administrator for the international standardization program
- 10
- Designated as a quality certification agency for elevator parts
- 09
- Designated as a testing agency for type approval of vessels and the items for vessels
- 04
- MOU with TUV-Product Service (Germany) for overseas standard certification
- 01
- Additional designations for certification tests (normal wattage meters) of meters
- 08
- Registration as a support organization for key overseas certification achievement
- 07
- Designated as a specialized safety agency
- 07
- Designated as an evaluation agency for certification marks
- 03
- Designated as an educational institution for the unemployment insurance of the Ministry of Labor
- 02
- Designated as a training agency for the training of civil servants responsible for meter reading and advanced measurement techniques
- 03
- Designated as a national calibration test agency
- 03
- Designated as a quality management evaluation agency (ISO 9000)
- 09
- Designated as an official testing and inspection agency
- 04
- Changed the name of the organization to the Korea Machinery, Meter and petrochemical Testing and Research Institute
- 01
- Designated as a preliminary testing agency for automobile windshield cleaning fluid
- 09
- Designated as a testing agency for sea decontamination materials and agents
- 07
- Designated as an independent testing agency for meters
- 05
- Changed the name of the organization to the Korea Machinery, Meter and petrochemical Testing Agency
- 02
- Designated as a quality management evaluation agency
- 01
- Designated as a training institute by the Ministry of Labor
- 12
- Quality test of vinyl flooring and adhesives (construction materials)
- 10
- Designated as a quality management evaluation agency
- 08
- Designated as an independent supervising agency for SMEs
- 09
- Designated as an evaluator for standardization capabilities (started the KS assessment services)
- 12
- Quality test of waxes
- 07
- Quality test of asphalt roofing for buildings and other construction materials
- 04
- Quality test of paper materials for corrugated paper products
- 03
- Changed the name of the organization to the Korea Petrochemical Testing Agency
- 02
- Moved to the current address from Gwanghwa-mun
- 06
- Quality test of anti-freeze fluid
- 02
- Quality test for automobile brake fluid
- 05
- Started the quality testing for lubricants, including the engine oils for internal combustion engines, etc.
- 04
- Found as Korea Oil Testing Lab Corp.
최종수정일: 2020-11-03 오후 7:53:52