Key services of KTC

Testing and inspection
  1. 1. Electrical and Electronic
  2. 2. Meters
  3. 3. Chemical and environment
  4. 4. Bio and medical
  5. 5. Information and Communications
  6. 6. Energy
  7. 7. Renewable
  8. 8. Specialized Public Procurement
  9. 9. Verification
  10. 10. Calibration
  11. 11. International standard
  12. 12. Software and security test
  13. 13. Inspection of the playground facilities for children
  14. 14. Safety inspection of amusement facility
Certification and assessment
  1. 1. KC Product Certification
  2. 2. KS Product Certification
  3. 3. Q-mark
  4. 4. EMF certification
  5. 5. V-check product certification marks
  6. 6. Performance Certification
  7. 7. Medical device assessment
  8. 8. International standard certification새창
  9. 9. View the GCC certification status
  10. 10. HALAL Certification
  1. 1. Technical regulations impact evaluation
  2. 2. Intellectual Property evaluation support (Patent technical evaluation)
  3. 3. Standard Technology Development Type
  4. 4. SME Technological Innovation R&D Program
  5. 5. New-Product Development Support with an Off-Take Arrangement
  6. 6. The 4th Industries and Smart City


KTC News

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Key services of KTC

KTC, the World’s No. 1 Testing Certification Institute Leading the Way to the 4th Industrial Revolution



본문 시작

Safety Certification


01. Any of the following persons must pay a fee in accordance with the Presidential Decree;

  • A person who wishes to be designated as a safety certification organization as per Item 1, Article 4;
  • A person who seeks a safety certification as per Item 1, Article 5;
  • A person who seeks a change certification as per Item 2, Article 5;
  • A person who seeks a partial or total exemption confirmation for safety certification as per Item 1, Article 6;
  • A person who seeks to receive a regular inspection of the products subject to the safety certification requirements as per Item 1, Article 7;
  • A person who seeks a safety test of electrical appliances subject to the safety certification requirements as per Item 1, Article 8;
  • A person who seeks a designation of safety confirmation testing organization as per Item 1, Article 14;
  • A person who seeks to file a safety confirmation report or receive safety confirmation test as per Item 1, Article 15;
  • A person who seeks to report a change with safety confirmation as per Item 2, Article 15;
  • A person who seeks a total or partial exemption confirmation for safety certification as per Item 1, Article 16;
  • A person who seeks to receive a safety test for the electrical appliances subject to safety confirmation requirements as per Item 1, Article 17;
  • A person who seeks to report a change or file a supplier conformance confirmation report as per Item 2, Article 23;
  • A person who seeks to receive a supplier conformance confirmation or an exemption confirmation for the supplier conformance confirmation as per Item 1, Article 24;
  • A person who seeks to report or report a change of a product subject to child protection packaging requirements as per Item 2, Article 28;

02. Any of the following persons must pay the fees determined in the bylaws of the municipality or province within the range that is set by a Presidential Decree;

  • A person who seeks a partial or total exemption confirmation for safety certification as per Item 2, Article 6;
  • A person who seeks a total or partial exemption confirmation for safety confirmation report as per Item 2, Article 16;
  • A person who seeks to receive a supplier conformance confirmation or an exemption confirmation for the supplier conformance confirmation as per Item 2, Article 24;


01. The criteria for charging the fees set forth in Item, 1, Article 35 of the law is as shown in Table 2.

02. For any parts other than the paragraphs under Item 2, Article 35 of the law, the 'the range designated by a Presidential Decree' shall men within the amount set forth in Table 2-4;

  • [Table 2]
  • Fees (as in Item 1, Article 17)
  • - The fees contemplated herein must be paid at the time of submitting your application. The fee may differ depending on the product or model. See the test fees.
분야 수수료
1. Safety certification, safety confirmation reporting, or supplier conformance confirmation reporting
  • A. To get safety certification
  • 1) The issuance fee for a safety certificate: 50,000 won
  • 2) Product test fee
  • A) Electrical appliances: The amount for each test item for electrical appliances as negotiated by the testing agency and the Head of KATS.
  • B) Consumer products: The amount that is calculated to include the base fee, wage, materials, depreciation, maintenance of the facilities, and other cost items.
  • 3) Factory inspection fee
  • A) Electrical appliances: 200,000 won per factory + travel cost as the base, to be negotiated between the testing agency and the Head of KATS in consideration of the factory, etc.
  • B) Consumer products: 250,000 won for domestic factories (factory inspection fee) + travel cost; for overseas factories: 600,000 won (factory inspection) + travel
  • B. To file a safety confirmation report:
  • 1) The fee for issuing the safety confirmation reporting certificate: 50,000 won
  • 2) Product test fee: Same as Item 2) under Paragraph A.
  • C. To file a report for supplier conformance confirmation;
  • 1) Product test fee: Same as Item 2) under Paragraph A
2. Certification change for safety certification; change report for a safety confirmation report; a change report of the supplier conformance confirmation report
  • A. To get a change certification for a safety certification
  • 1) The issuance fee for the changed safety certificate: 10,000 won for each change or derivative model
  • 2) Product test fee (if there is a test): See Item 2) under Paragraph A in Section 2.
  • 3) Factory inspection fee (if there is a factory inspection): See item 3) under Paragraph A in Section 2.
  • B. To file a change report for safety confirmation report
  • 1) The fee for the issuance of a safety confirmation report certificate: 10,000 won for each change or change with a derivative model
  • 2) Product test fee (if there is a test): See Item 2) under Paragraph A in Section 2.
  • C. To file a change report for a supplier conformance confirmation report
  • 1) 10,000 won for each change with the content or a change for a derivative model
3. The exemption confirmation for safety certification; exemption confirmation for safety confirmation reporting; exemption confirmation for supplier conformance confirmation or supplier conformance confirmation reporting The certificate issuance fees for the exemption confirmation for safety certification; exemption confirmation for safety confirmation reporting; exemption confirmation for supplier conformance confirmation or supplier conformance confirmation reporting: 10% of the importation price of one product unit for each model, without exceeding 50,000 won
4. The regular test of the products subject to the safety certification requirements; the safety test of the electrical appliances subject to the safety certification requirements or electrical appliances subject to the safety confirmation requirements
  • A. To get a regular test for products subject to the safety certification requirements
  • 1) The factory inspection fee for electrical appliance factories: 15,000 won up to five base models per factory, plus 20,000 won for every extra-base model after the fifth model.
  • 2) The factory inspection fee for the domestic factories of consumer products
  • A) Up to five models: 200,000 won x number of items + travel cost
  • B) Six or more models: 200,000 won x number of items = (the number of certified models per item - 5) x 20,000 won + travel
  • 3) The factory inspection fee for the overseas factories of consumer products
  • A) Up to five models: 480,000 won x number of items + travel cost
  • B) Six or more models: 480,000 won x number of items = (the number of certified models per item - 5) x 20,000 won + travel
  • 4) Product test fee (if there is a test): See Item 2) under Paragraph A in Section 2.
  • B. To get a safety test for the electrical appliances subject to the safety certification requirements or the electrical appliances subject to the safety confirmation requirements
  • 1) Safety test application fee: 10,000 won
  • 2) Product test fee: Same as Item 2) under Paragraph A.
  • 1. Of the fees in Sections 2, 3, and 5, the product test fee shall be paid at the time of the test application as per the calculation by the safety certification body or the safety confirmation test agency. Then, the safety certification body or the safety confirmation test agency shall prepare a detailed invoice for the test costs for settlement at the time of issuing the safety confirmation test report. In this case, the safety certification body or the safety confirmation test agency shall issue the invoice.
  • 2. If a field inspection is needed in South Korea or overseas for factory inspection, regular test, or field assessment, the travel cost in accordance with the business or travel expenses rules of the organization which performs such inspections or tests shall apply (in the case of civil servants, the 'Travel Expenses Rules for Civil Servants.') In this case, the recognized period of business travel shall include the time taken for the actual inspection, test, or assessment plus the travel to and back from the place of such activities.
  • 3. The test/inspection/assessment costs in Item 2, Paragraph A, and Item 2, Paragraph B under Section A shall be the amount announced by the Head of KATS in consideration of the criteria for compensations for engineering projects in Item 2, Article 31 of the ENGINEERING INDUSTRY PROMOTION ACT.
  • 4. The details for the calculation of the fees in accordance with Sub-item B) under Item 2, Paragraph A of Section 2 shall be in accordance with the following paragraphs;
    • A. Base fee: The actual cost incurred in receiving, reviewing, providing the human resources for, and issuing the report for the tests in the test application;
    • B. Wage: The wage for the workers involved in the testing activities (where the wage shall be as per the wage levels for high-level technicians in industrial factories in accordance with the calculation criteria for the compensation in the engineering projects in Article 31 of the ENGINEERING INDUSTRY PROMOTION ACT;
    • C. Materials cost The cost for the consumable materials incurred in the process of testing of the applicable items;
    • D. Depreciation: The depreciation costs shall be calculated based on the legal service life of each machine or device, where the operation rate is assumed 100%, based on the straight-line method;
    • E. Maintenance: The cost for the consumable items needed to run the equipment; the cost for the parts for replacement or repair works for the equipment; the electricity bills for running the equipment; and other costs for maintaining the equipment;
    • F. Other costs: Other cost items incurred in the process of testing, such as the cost for gathering information, travel expenses, transportation cost for the consumer products to be tested, or more (where the travel cost rules for Grade 5 civil servants as per the Travel Expenses Rules for Civil Servants shall apply. The transportation cost shall be the actual cost incurred in the process of shipping and transportation.)
    • G. If the testing agency for the consumer products subject to safety confirmation requirements conducts the test and processes the reporting at the same time, the wages or other overlapping items will not be duplicated and shall be considered to have been incurred only once for both activities.

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Jump to the KC Certification Center for Safety Certification.

최종수정일: 2020-11-03 오후 7:56:39