Key services of KTC

Testing and inspection
  1. 1. Electrical and Electronic
  2. 2. Meters
  3. 3. Chemical and environment
  4. 4. Bio and medical
  5. 5. Information and Communications
  6. 6. Energy
  7. 7. Renewable
  8. 8. Specialized Public Procurement
  9. 9. Verification
  10. 10. Calibration
  11. 11. International standard
  12. 12. Software and security test
  13. 13. Inspection of the playground facilities for children
  14. 14. Safety inspection of amusement facility
Certification and assessment
  1. 1. KC Product Certification
  2. 2. KS Product Certification
  3. 3. Q-mark
  4. 4. EMF certification
  5. 5. V-check product certification marks
  6. 6. Performance Certification
  7. 7. Medical device assessment
  8. 8. International standard certification새창
  9. 9. View the GCC certification status
  10. 10. HALAL Certification
  1. 1. Technical regulations impact evaluation
  2. 2. Intellectual Property evaluation support (Patent technical evaluation)
  3. 3. Standard Technology Development Type
  4. 4. SME Technological Innovation R&D Program
  5. 5. New-Product Development Support with an Off-Take Arrangement
  6. 6. The 4th Industries and Smart City


KTC News

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Key services of KTC

KTC, the World’s No. 1 Testing Certification Institute Leading the Way to the 4th Industrial Revolution



본문 시작

V-check product certification marks

About the V-check product certification mark program certified by KAS

What is KAS?
kas 로고 이미지

KAS stands for Korea Accreditation System.

  • Accreditation Body : The agencies that certify product certification bodies as per the relevant international standards designated by the law and the international standard-related organizations.
  • Certification body : The certified product certification bodies that have been certified by KAS
  • KAS logo : The logo of KAS
  • Certification mark : A symbol that is used to show that status of certification body This mark indicates the certification number of the certification body as well as the certified field.
  • Product accreditation : An official certification indicating that the applicant is capable of managing the product in question according to the designated standard (ISO/IEC 17065), the guidelines issued by IAF, and other announcements in South Korea, as per the assessment by a qualified evaluator.
  • Certification : A written guarantee of conformance with certain requirements by a third party regarding certain products or services

V-check product certification mark program

The V-check product certification mark is an integrated product certification mark issued by a product certification body certified by KAS as per the Framework Act on National Standards and KS Q ISO/IEC 17065.

The benefits of V-check product certification mark program

  • V-check-certified products are certified by the manufacturer's own test reports during the pre-use tests and are designated as the preferred purchase items for the Public Procurement Service and the Defense Acquisition Program Administration. It is planned to negotiate with the Ministry of SMEs and Start-Ups, Metro, and LH Corporation to have them recognize the products certified by certification bodies certified by KAS, to widen the scope of the preferred products with KAS certification.
  • The program allows the assessment of products and follow-up management of factories, which can cover the blind-spots of the laws related to the safety of electrical appliances, such as the Electrical Appliance Safety Management Act or the ELECTRIC UTILITY ACT, ensuring the consistency in the quality of products. With the highest standards in quality compared to any quality certification programs in and out of the country, the program guarantees the safety of consumers.
  • KAS has been applying the guidelines of ISO: the general requirements for product certification bodies (ISO/IEC 17065) and the guidelines set by IAF. KAS also signed an MLA with IAF and PAC to recommend equal treatment in public procurement or tenders over 31 member states. Therefore, the accreditation is equally recognized overseas, saving you the valuable time and money spent on product certification.
  • KAS program is a good program saving you the extra efforts and resources in getting your products certified again for exportation due to the lack of international credibility and certification.

The scope of products eligible to V-check mark program (the scope and areas of certification)

[Scheme 1b, scheme 2, scheme 3, scheme 5]
Items Sub-categories Korean standard industrial classifications
19 Cork, coal, and petroleum product business 192 Oil refinery business 1921 Refined crude oil products
1922 Refined petroleum products
20 Chemicals and chemical products production business (excluding medicines) 203 Synthetic rubber and plastic materials production business 2030 Synthetic rubber and plastic materials
204 Other chemical products 2041 Insecticides and other pesticides
2042 Inks, paints, coats, and other similar products
2043 Detergents, cosmetics, and polishes
2049 Other chemical products
21 Medical materials and medicines production business 213 Medical suppliers and other medicine-related products production business 2130 Medical suppliers and other medicine-related products
22 Rubber products and plastic products production business 221 Rubber products production business 2211 Rubber tires and tubes
2219 Other rubber products
222 Plastic products production business 2221 Primary plastic products
24 Primary metallurgical businesses 241 Primary non-ferrous metallurgical business 2421 Non-ferrous metallurgical refinery and alloys
25 Metallurgically-processed products product business (excluding machines and furniture) 259 Other metallurgically-processed products production business 2591 Metal forging, pressing, and powder-forming products
2592 Metal heat treatment, plating, and other metallurgical processing
26 Electronic parts, computers, videos, audios, and communication device manufacturing business 262 Electronic parts manufacturing business 2629 Other electronic parts
263 Computers and peripherals manufacturing business 2631 Computers
2632 Storage and peripherals
264 Communication and broadcasting equipment manufacturing business 2641 Wired communication equipment
2642 Broadcasting and wireless communication equipment
265 Video and audio equipment manufacturing business 2651 TVs, videos, and other video equipment
2652 Audios, speakers, and other audio equipment
27 Medical, high-precision, optical equipment, and clock manufacturing business 271 Medical device manufacturing business 2711 Radioactive equipment and electrical diagnosis equipment
2719 Other medical devices
272 Measuring, testing, navigation, control, and other precision equipment manufacturing business (excluding optical equipment) 2721 Measuring, testing, navigation, control, and other precision equipment
273 Glasses, photographic equipment, and other optical equipment manufacturing business 2731 Glasses
2732 Optical equipment and photographic equipment
28 Electrical appliances manufacturing business 281 Motors, power generators, electricity conversion, supply, and control devices manufacturing business 2811 Motors, generators, and electric converters
2812 electricity supply and control devices
282 Primary battery and rechargeable battery manufacturing business 2820 Primary battery and rechargeable battery
283 Insulated wires and cables manufacturing business 2830 Insulated wires and cables
284 Light bulbs and lighting fixture manufacturing business 2841 Light bulbs and lamps
2842 Lighting fixtures
285 Home appliance manufacturing business 2851 Electrical home appliances
2852 Non-electric home cooking and heating appliances
289 Other electric appliances manufacturing business 2890 Other electric appliances
29 Other machinery and equipment manufacturing business 291 General-purpose machinery manufacturing business 2911 Internal combustion engines and turbines (excluding those for aircraft and automobiles)
2912 Hydraulic equipment
2913 Pumps and compressors (tabs, valves, and other similar equipment included)
2914 Bearings, gears, and driving mechanisms
2915 Industrial ovens, furnaces, or burners for furnaces
2916 Industrial trucks, elevators, and goods handling equipment
2917 Cooling, HVAC, filtering, distillation, and gas emitting equipment
2918 Office equipment and machinery
2919 Other general-purpose machines
292 Special purpose machinery manufacturing business 2921 Agricultural and forestry machines
2922 Processing plant machinery
2923 Metal casting and other metal-working machines
2924 Construction and mining machinery
2925 Food, beverages, and tobacco processing machine
2926 Textiles, garments, and leather processing machines
2929 Other special-purpose machines
30 Automobiles and trailers manufacturing business 303 Auto-parts manufacturing business 3031 Automobile engine parts
3032 Automobile chassis parts
3039 Other automobile parts
33 Other products manufacturing business 332 Exercising and sports events equipment manufacturing business 3330 Exercising and sports events equipment

The V-check product certification process

V-체크 제품인증마크 인증 처리 절차 이미지

V-check product certification application documents

01 Product safety application form Download
02 A written statement by the representative of the business Download
03 A copy of the business registration certificate
04 Factory registration certificate or other equivalent documentary proof
05 Conformity confirmation letter Download
06 Product manual and operation manual
07 The assembly drawings, circuit diagrams, wiring diagrams, and other drawings that can tell the structure of the products
08 A detailed list of key parts and materials
09 A written description of the differences between the different models and types within the same application unit
10 The current status of manufacturing and testing equipment related to the products of the certification application
11 A copy of the written agreement on the compliance with the rules of certification body between the applicant and manufacturers
12 The application forms for the use of testing equipment by manufacturers (if applicable)
13 Other documents requested by the head of the certification body Download

Follow-up management

  • Download the regular follow-up assessment request form.  Download
  • The quality system of the factory: at least once a year
  • Product testing: at least once a year (with the samples taken from the factory or the market)

V-check product certification marking

1. Symbol design
Certification scheme Ⅰb Certification scheme Ⅱ Certification scheme Ⅲ Certification scheme ⅴ

인증스킴Ⅰb 도안

인증스킴Ⅱ 도안

인증스킴Ⅲ 도안

인증스킴ⅴ 도안

2. Instructions on designing:
  • The mark must be used without degradation or distortion of the image and reproduced correctly according to the resolution rules.
  • The reproductions of the marks shall be, in principle, by photo printing or projection copying technology as per the manual for reproduction. If the mark has to be blown up, the grid-scale rules must be followed precisely.
The maintenance, updating, suspension, cancellation, and return of V-check product certification.  Download
The complaints and objections handling process for V-check product certification  Download

The composition of the fees for V-check product certification

The calculation guideline for the fees for V-check product certification  Download
1. New certification cost
Items The certification fee for each product certified
Certification fee 600 V or lower 400,000 won
Higher than 600 V ~ up to 50,000 V 1,600,000 won
Higher than 50,000 V 3,200,000 won
Factory inspection fee 2,400,000 won
Technical review fee 560,000 won/group
Product test fee Depends on the testing agency
Other fees Actual cost
  • For multiple models, additional fees may apply for adding groups by grouping.
  • If the factory is located overseas or remote areas within the country, the travel cost-covering air travel, inland transportation, accommodation, meals, and daily expenses are to be in accordance with the travel expense rules of the agency.
  • When the test is conducted at the factory or in the presence of an independent testing agency: 560,000 won/1MD and testing location registration fee 1,600,000 won (1MD).
2. Fee for using the marks
Annual sales of each product Annual maintenance fee Annual sales of each product Annual maintenance fee
No more than 300 mil. 300,000 won No more than five bill. won 3,000,000 won
No more than 600 mill. won 600,000 won No more than 10 bill. won 5,000,000 won
No more than 800 mill. won 800,000 won No more than 20 bill. won 6,000,000 won
No more than 1 bill. won 1,000,000 won No more than 50 bill. won 800,000 won
No more than 2 bill. won 1,500,000 won No more than 70 bill. won 9,000,000 won
No more than 3 bill. won 2,500,000 won No more than 100 bill. won 10,000,000 won
  • The maintenance fee is exempted if there is no revenue.
  • If the revenue exceeds 100 bill. won, the maintenance fee shall be 0.01% of the revenue.
3. Update requests and follow-up management, etc.
Items Items Costs
Changes with the owner or manufacturer Factory (relocation assessment, for relocating the factory) 1,200,000 won
Re-issuance of certificates 100,000 won
Adding models or groups Technical review fee 560,000 won/group
Re-issuance of certificates 100,000 won
Follow-up management Follow-up assessment of the product (including or excluding factory inspections) 1,200,000 won
Product testing Depends on the testing agency
  • For multiple models, additional fees may apply for adding groups by grouping.
  • If the factory is located overseas or remote areas within the country, the travel cost-covering air travel, inland transportation, accommodation, meals, and daily expenses are to be in accordance with the travel expense rules of the agency.
  • When the test is conducted at the factory or in the presence of an independent testing agency: 560,000 won/1MD

Download the V-check product certification-related forms

01 V-check product certification application form Download
02 A written statement by the representative of the business Download
03 Conformity confirmation letter Download
04 The application forms for the use of testing equipment by manufacturers Download
05 Product test request Download
06 V-check product certification (update/addition) application Download
07 V-check product certification (return/suspension) application Download
08 Regular follow-up assessment request form Download
09 V-check mark certification fee calculation guideline Download

Visit the website of the responsible department

Click the button below to jump to the main webpage of the responsible department, where you can find the contact information of the officers in charge.

Visit the website of the responsible department

Jump to the Quality Certification Center for V-Check Product Certification Mark Program.

최종수정일: 2020-11-03 오후 7:57:52