Key services of KTC

Testing and inspection
  1. 1. Electrical and Electronic
  2. 2. Meters
  3. 3. Chemical and environment
  4. 4. Bio and medical
  5. 5. Information and Communications
  6. 6. Energy
  7. 7. Renewable
  8. 8. Specialized Public Procurement
  9. 9. Verification
  10. 10. Calibration
  11. 11. International standard
  12. 12. Software and security test
  13. 13. Inspection of the playground facilities for children
  14. 14. Safety inspection of amusement facility
Certification and assessment
  1. 1. KC Product Certification
  2. 2. KS Product Certification
  3. 3. Q-mark
  4. 4. EMF certification
  5. 5. V-check product certification marks
  6. 6. Performance Certification
  7. 7. Medical device assessment
  8. 8. International standard certification새창
  9. 9. View the GCC certification status
  10. 10. HALAL Certification
  1. 1. Technical regulations impact evaluation
  2. 2. Intellectual Property evaluation support (Patent technical evaluation)
  3. 3. Standard Technology Development Type
  4. 4. SME Technological Innovation R&D Program
  5. 5. New-Product Development Support with an Off-Take Arrangement
  6. 6. The 4th Industries and Smart City


KTC News

사이트맵 닫기

Key services of KTC

KTC, the World’s No. 1 Testing Certification Institute Leading the Way to the 4th Industrial Revolution



본문 시작

The overview and current status

Background of the program

  • Some super products of high performance developed by an SME are having difficulties in finding buyers due to the lack of past references and trust in the performance, as well as the issue of responsibilities and audits. (The SME that developed such a product also experiences difficulties due to the failure in finding buyers of the products that it developed by investing a lot of resources.)
  • The public sectors are sometimes requested to be the first buyers of newly invented products or those newly certified by the government. (And, they tend to refuse such products due to the lack of trust in the quality and performance.)
  • To resolve the issue of such conservative purchasing behaviors of public agencies and the performance issues of newly developed products, the government has implemented performance certification and performance insurance programs to enhance the effectiveness of the program for the preferred purchase of new inventions.

The current status of local SMEs

Name of the organization Address Person-in-charge Phone number FAX
The Ministry of SMEs and Start-Ups, Seoul Branch 96, Hongchon-nae-gil, Gwacheon-si, Gyeonggi-do Inja Yoo 02-509-7012 507-5769
The Ministry of SMEs and Start-Ups, Busan/Ulsan branch 1633-1, Songjeong-dong, Gangseo-gu, Busan Hangsoo Cho 051-601-5144 341-4204
The Ministry of SMEs and Start-Ups, Daegu/Gyeongbuk branch 2001-18, Songhyun-dong, Dalseo-gu, Daegu Gwangseok Jeong 053-659-2243 625-0117
The Ministry of SMEs and Start-Ups, Gwangju/Jeonnam branch 300, Nongseong-dong, Seo-gu, Gwangju-si Gipyeong Yoon 062-360-9156 366-9669
The Ministry of SMEs and Start-Ups, Gyeonggi Branch 1012-2, Yeongtong-dong, Yeongtong-gu, Suwon, Gyeonggi-do Saeil Shin 031-201-6966 201-6969
The Ministry of SMEs and Start-Ups, Incheon branch 445-1, Nonhyun-dong, Namdong-gu, Incheon Yongsoo Roh 032-450-1175 818-8339
The Ministry of SMEs and Start-Ups, Gangwon Branch 856-8, Toegye-dong, Chuncheon-si, Gangwon-do Wonhyun Paik 033-260-1643 260-1659
Ministry of SMEs and Start-Ups, Chungbuk branch 418-6, Bokdae-dong, Heungdeok-gu, Cheongju-si, Chungbuk Hanshik Choi 043-230-5343 235-2491
Ministry of SMEs and Start-Ups, Jeonbuk branch 270, Palbokdong-2-ga, Deokjin-gu, Jeonju-si, Jeonbuk Jinhwan Kim 063-210-6453 210-6479
The Ministry of SMEs and Start-Ups, Gyeongnam Branch 100-3, Shinwol-dong, Changwon-si, Gyeongnam Jeongil Choi 055-268-2573 285-5382
The Ministry of SMEs and Start-Ups, Jeju Branch 299-1, Wolpyeong-dong, Jeju Hyungil Yang 064-723-2105 723-2107
Daejeon/Chungnam Local Office 23-3, Jang-dong, Yoosung-gu, Daejeon Ingyu Min 042-865-6144 865-6149

Download the forms

01 Product certification application form (See the Archives - application forms)
02 Factory inspection report Download
03 Performance test report Download
04 General evaluation report Download

Visit the website of the responsible department

Click the button below to jump to the main webpage of the responsible department, where you can find the contact information of the officers in charge.

Visit the website of the responsible department

Jump to Reliability Evaluation Center for performance certification.

최종수정일: 2020-11-03 오후 7:57:54