Key services of KTC

Testing and inspection
  1. 1. Electrical and Electronic
  2. 2. Meters
  3. 3. Chemical and environment
  4. 4. Bio and medical
  5. 5. Information and Communications
  6. 6. Energy
  7. 7. Renewable
  8. 8. Specialized Public Procurement
  9. 9. Verification
  10. 10. Calibration
  11. 11. International standard
  12. 12. Software and security test
  13. 13. Inspection of the playground facilities for children
  14. 14. Safety inspection of amusement facility
Certification and assessment
  1. 1. KC Product Certification
  2. 2. KS Product Certification
  3. 3. Q-mark
  4. 4. EMF certification
  5. 5. V-check product certification marks
  6. 6. Performance Certification
  7. 7. Medical device assessment
  8. 8. International standard certification새창
  9. 9. View the GCC certification status
  10. 10. HALAL Certification
  1. 1. Technical regulations impact evaluation
  2. 2. Intellectual Property evaluation support (Patent technical evaluation)
  3. 3. Standard Technology Development Type
  4. 4. SME Technological Innovation R&D Program
  5. 5. New-Product Development Support with an Off-Take Arrangement
  6. 6. The 4th Industries and Smart City


KTC News

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Key services of KTC

KTC, the World’s No. 1 Testing Certification Institute Leading the Way to the 4th Industrial Revolution



본문 시작

Technical regulations impact evaluation


  • Our agency jointly conducts an evaluation of the impact of the proposed new technical regulations in the country in cooperation with KATS.

  • The definition of technical regulations and the evaluation of the impact of technical regulations

  • A 'technical regulation' refers to the technical standards (regulations) or conformity tests (testing, inspection, or certification) that are legally binding based on laws, regulations, or announcements and decrees on certain products, services, and system, aiming to realize certain administrative goals, such as the safety of the people, protection of the environment, health, and consumer protection.

  • The 'evaluation of the impact of technical regulation' is intended to provide the best alternatives for regulations in consideration of the costs, benefits, effects, and relevance of regulations, to prevent the negative impact on businesses due to the introduction of the regulations by government departments. For this purpose, the regulations are evaluated for their relevance by reviewing them for the duplication with existing systems, conformity with the national standards and international standards, when new laws or regulations are introduced, to cover the technical standards (rules) or the introduction of new laws or regulations regarding tests, inspections, and certification.

The technical regulations affect the evaluation process

기술규제영향평가 절차 흐름도

이미지 자세히보기

Supports provided to resolve the negative impacts due to technical regulations

  • This program helps the businesses overcome the negative impacts of regulations by coming up with strategies for improving unreasonable regulations and the strategies for rationalizing them after identifying the hidden regulations across industries.

  • ※ The identity of the person who suggested the improvement, her organization, and the content of complaints are not disclosed.
    • How to submit the complaints
      · Fill out a complaint form regarding the negative impact and difficulties you are experiencing due to regulations using the attached form and submit via e-mail.
      · Attachment : domestic technical regulations complaints demand survey_ form.hwp (13.50kb)  Download
    • Replay to :
    • Inquiry : Standard Support Team (031-470-1610)

Inquiry and Contact Information

Name of the service The department in charge Telephone Address
Support for overcoming the negative impact of domestic and international technical regulations Standard Support Team 031-470-1610 35, Heungandae-ro, Gunpo-si, Gyeonggi-do

Visit the website of the responsible department

Click the button below to jump to the main webpage of the responsible department, where you can find the contact information of the officers in charge.

Visit the website of the responsible department

Jump to the Standard Support Team for Technical Regulations Impact Evaluation.

최종수정일: 2020-11-03 오후 7:58:02