Key services of KTC

Testing and inspection
  1. 1. Electrical and Electronic
  2. 2. Meters
  3. 3. Chemical and environment
  4. 4. Bio and medical
  5. 5. Information and Communications
  6. 6. Energy
  7. 7. Renewable
  8. 8. Specialized Public Procurement
  9. 9. Verification
  10. 10. Calibration
  11. 11. International standard
  12. 12. Software and security test
  13. 13. Inspection of the playground facilities for children
  14. 14. Safety inspection of amusement facility
Certification and assessment
  1. 1. KC Product Certification
  2. 2. KS Product Certification
  3. 3. Q-mark
  4. 4. EMF certification
  5. 5. V-check product certification marks
  6. 6. Performance Certification
  7. 7. Medical device assessment
  8. 8. International standard certification새창
  9. 9. View the GCC certification status
  1. 1. Technical regulations impact evaluation
  2. 2. Intellectual Property evaluation support (Patent technical evaluation)
  3. 3. Standard Technology Development Type
  4. 4. SME Technological Innovation R&D Program
  5. 5. New-Product Development Support with an Off-Take Arrangement
  6. 6. The 4th Industries and Smart City


KTC News

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KTC, the World’s No. 1 Testing Certification Institute Leading the Way to the 4th Industrial Revolution



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KTC News

KTC Electrical Power Evaluation Center Boosts Competitiveness in the Power Industry
Date 2023-11-29 Views362

'Optimizing Power Testing and Certification' - KTC Electrical Power Evaluation Center Boosts Competitiveness in the Power Industry

Article by IT Chosun, Reporter Jo Sung-woo.

Korea Testing Certification institute (KTC) Electrical Power Evaluation Center stands out as a specialized hub for testing power equipment, providing rigorous testing and certifications for major domestic power equipment companies. With the country's most extensive and advanced testing and certification facilities, KTC plays a pivotal role in fortifying the competitiveness of domestic power equipment firms.

| A Specialized Hub for Power Equipment... Thorough Testing and Certification Utilizing State-of-the-Art Facilities

△ KTC Electrical Power Evaluation Center 

In the midst of November's unmistakable autumn ambiance, I explored the KTC Gokseong Test Center nestled in a serene village in Jeollanam-do. The distinctive blue sign proudly announces the center's status as a dedicated testing ground for power equipment, having received a substantial investment of 38 billion KRW and officially opening its doors in October 2020.

Encompassing 29,000 square meters, the KTC Electrical Power Evaluation Center conducts a spectrum of tests, including high-power testing, ultra-high voltage cable testing, and fire resistance assessments. According to KTC officials, these facilities are the most extensive and advanced among domestic testing and certification organizations. Notably, it boasts the first-of-its-kind testing equipment in Asia capable of conducting tests up to 3600 DC.

The first destination was the ultra-high voltage testing facility, where tests for both AC and DC were in progress. This area houses diverse facilities, including a substantial "Impulse Voltage Tester" and an "AC Internal Voltage Tester" situated in one corner, providing diverse testing capabilities.

The Impulse Voltage Tester is a testing system capable of applying impulse voltage to DC cables and power equipment. The AC Internal Voltage Tester is a system that confirms insulation within the leakage current range.

Advancing past the ultra-high voltage testing area, we reached the location for short-circuit testing. Here, the 250MVA DC short-circuit interruption test system and power transformer characteristic testing equipment are positioned. The 250MVA DC short-circuit interruption test system, a pioneering facility in the country, can test DC short-circuits over 1000 V and conduct high-power load switching tests. Moreover, it simulates faults in DC and AC power equipment using generators for comprehensive testing and evaluation.

The power transformer characteristic testing equipment assesses key characteristics such as no-load loss, load loss, temperature rise limit, and efficiency of power distribution transformers.

On this particular day, we witnessed the testing of a transformer from a major domestic company. Guided by the company representative who manufactured the transformer, KTC Gokseong Test Center staff simulated the accident and conducted the test. As the test commenced with the blaring sound of sirens, the transformer located outside the reinforced glass exploded with a resounding bang.

△ Impulse Voltage Tester

Continuing through the short-circuit testing area, we reached the space designated for fire resistance evaluation, where horizontal flame spread devices captured our attention. These devices, horizontally installed on forced ventilation equipment cables, apply flames to measure flame travel distance and optical density of smoke.

This experimental equipment gauges the extent to which fire spreads in accordance with international standards.

Vertical flame spread devices and vertical spread fire devices also exhibited impressive scale. The vertical flame spread device measures flame travel distance and optical density of smoke by applying flames to cables vertically installed on trays. The vertical spread fire device measures flame travel distance by applying flames to cables installed vertically in passages on the first floor or above. Essentially, both devices measure how much fire spreads in the event of a fire.

In addition to these, the KTC Electrical Power Evaluation Center is equipped with various facilities for environmental, reliability, durability testing, performance evaluation, measurement, and analysis.

| Facilitating Global Market Entry for Domestic Companies: KTC Electrical Power Evaluation Center's Ascent as an International Testing and Certification Authority

Lim Hongwoo, Head of KTC Semiconductor & Electric Power Business Division, overseeing the Electrical Power Evaluation Center, underscores the growing importance of power equipment. This includes circuit breakers, transformers, circuit connections, and protection devices, particularly in the context of the industry's shift towards green initiatives, emphasizing carbon neutrality and improved energy efficiency.

Mr. Lim underscored KTC's active role in supporting the global expansion of domestic companies by establishing a robust global network anchored in diverse testing facilities.

△ Horizontal Flame Spread Devices


He explained, "Leveraging internationally acclaimed testing facilities, we've formed strategic partnerships with overseas certification agencies like UL Demko, UL India, and DEKRA. This enables us to offer comprehensive overseas certification testing services for circuit breakers, switchgear, relays, fuses, Busduct, and more. We are dedicated to facilitating the global market entry of domestic enterprises." He also noted, "We've set up extensive fire resistance testing facilities and characteristic testing equipment, meeting UL Wire Certification standards from UL Solutions. We've been designated as the UL International Testing Center for wires, enabling local testing for UL certification."

Mr. Lim added, "Through collaborative efforts with 67 institutions across 36 countries, our 'Overseas Certification Business Unit' works closely on tasks related to overseas certification and technical regulation (technical trade barriers) responses. With dedicated teams and overseas offices, we streamline the acquisition of overseas certifications required for exports by domestic manufacturers to major countries worldwide, spanning Asia, North America, and Europe." He disclosed plans to bolster testing and evaluation capabilities for broader regions and countries, expand collaborations with overseas institutions, and explore local entry into regions like the Americas and Europe.

Highlighting the growing demand for power equipment and materials, such as power devices and cables, attributed to industries like electric vehicles, battery technology, semiconductors, and local factory constructions for power distribution networks, Mr. Lim stressed the increasing need for testing and certification in overseas bidding projects by major domestic companies. He stated, "Aligned with the industry's shift toward green transformation, KTC Electrical Power Evaluation Center is systematically developing plans to become the 'leading specialized testing and certification institution for next-generation industries.' Our goal is to secure internationally competitive testing and evaluation facilities and expert personnel on a global scale."

△ Lim Hongwoo, Head of KTC Semiconductor & Electric Power Business Division

Looking ahead, Mr. Lim revealed ongoing discussions about infrastructure and testing certification system development for electric propulsion systems and large power transformers, collaborating with local governments such as Jeollanam-do and Gokseong-gun.

Mr. Lim concluded, "By proactively monitoring industrial and technological trends and responding to active demands, we aim to proactively secure the industry's needed infrastructure. This will support domestic companies in enhancing their export competitiveness throughout the technology development, production, and sales processes. Our commitment is to become an internationally trusted and credible specialized testing and certification institution, capable of competing with foreign agencies."