Key services of KTC

Testing and inspection
  1. 1. Electrical and Electronic
  2. 2. Meters
  3. 3. Chemical and environment
  4. 4. Bio and medical
  5. 5. Information and Communications
  6. 6. Energy
  7. 7. Renewable
  8. 8. Specialized Public Procurement
  9. 9. Verification
  10. 10. Calibration
  11. 11. International standard
  12. 12. Software and security test
  13. 13. Inspection of the playground facilities for children
  14. 14. Safety inspection of amusement facility
Certification and assessment
  1. 1. KC Product Certification
  2. 2. KS Product Certification
  3. 3. Q-mark
  4. 4. EMF certification
  5. 5. V-check product certification marks
  6. 6. Performance Certification
  7. 7. Medical device assessment
  8. 8. International standard certification새창
  9. 9. View the GCC certification status
  1. 1. Technical regulations impact evaluation
  2. 2. Intellectual Property evaluation support (Patent technical evaluation)
  3. 3. Standard Technology Development Type
  4. 4. SME Technological Innovation R&D Program
  5. 5. New-Product Development Support with an Off-Take Arrangement
  6. 6. The 4th Industries and Smart City


KTC News

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KTC News

KTC and KODIPA Sign Business Agreement for the Advancement of Drone and UAM Industries
Date 2023-12-08 Views379

KTC and KODIPA Sign Business Agreement for the Advancement of Drone and UAM Industries

On the 8th, Korea Testing Certification institute (KTC), and the Korea Drone Industry Promotion Association (KODIPA) announced the signing of a business agreement to foster mutual development in the drone and Urban Air Mobility (UAM) industries. UAM refers to a flight system for short-distance travel within a city.

Under this agreement, the two organizations commit to collaborating on △establishing specialized testing and certification standards for drone and UAM components and products △utilizing testing and certification infrastructure and exchanging the latest technological standards and information △cooperating on government and corporate projects related to testing and certification.

The drone and UAM industries are considered key sectors for future growth, with the global market size of the UAM industry expected to reach $609 billion by 2040 from $10.9 billion in 2025. The global drone market is also projected to grow at an average annual rate of 7.8%, reaching a size of $534 billion by 2030 from $31.5 billion in 2023.

Given the anticipated continuous growth in the drone and UAM industries, which play a crucial role in determining the nation's competitiveness, there is a need for R&D investment and comprehensive support for the ecosystem. The collaboration between KTC and KODIPA is expected to accelerate the establishment of core technologies for domestic drones and Korea's Urban Air Mobility (K-UAM).

KTC has outlined a roadmap in the 13 Strategic Fields, encompassing digital transformation, green transformation, future growth industries and nationally important industries, to enhance the technological capabilities of Korean companies and strengthen global competitiveness. The institute is particularly focused on strengthening activities related to technology standard development, product, component, and system research, and support in the aerospace and defense sectors.

KODIPA is dedicated to fostering and advancing the drone industry ecosystem through the formulation of promotion strategies, establishing collaborative foundations with relevant institutions/organizations, and conducting in-depth research on the drone and UAM industries—key drivers of 21st-century national growth.

Predsident Sungil Ahn of KTC expressed, "The business agreement with KODIPA will serve as a crucial foundation for the global development of the Korean drone and UAM industry," stating that KTC will play a central role in enhancing safety and quality in the drone and UAM industry through stable and effective testing and certification.

Kim Tae-hoon, Vice President of KODIPA, stated, "Through this agreement between KTC and KODIPA, we anticipate it will act as a significant foundation for the sustained growth of the Korean drone and UAM industry. By taking a leading role in this field, we aim to shine on the global stage."